Here you can learn all about blogger Topic All blogger tricks
How to create blogger?
you need an Google mail account like as this exemple id, ""
to create a Google mail account go to search this link in browser, ""
then create a new Gmail id by filling the form. This Gmail account you can use
for face book, blogger, play store, Email, you tube, Daily Motion, Pay pal and
other online services. Google Gmail account gives us a free 15 gig bytes for
uploading our documents on Google drive there We can online share and store our documents with others or on our blogger, website. So Google is cloud and best service
for us to show our Knowledge with all online world.
Here are exemple's of first form filling of Gmail .
your name ,password- your password, Mobile number- your cell no without zero exemple country code
By agreed with Google polices accept and click on next step.
Here 2 step verification ask you to conform You're almost done! We just need to verify your account before you can start using it.
Click on continue and a SMS massage set to you on your
cell phone
Final Verify your account
Inter the verify
code and click continue. after that your Gmail id is finish and ready to use.
Search this address, "" click on create new blog.
chose blogger name and blogger address. Sign in to blogger.
Project Information
Admin says! You can learn by text, picture, diagram with video tutorial here just follow step by step any tutorial that you may like and want for learn. Every project have downloadable from this blogger if you want download a project click on download link.
Note:- Online player video, Tutorial or demo are not a part of download zip folder. For download any lop, Picture, Demo or video on this blogger please use your browser downloader. |
Subject Contents
Blogger / Tutorial |
1920x1080 |
Duration-See in Player
Video lop-Yes |
Flv |
sorry for bad english