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Basic tutorial of cinema 4D 2015

Learn here ABOUT   Cinema 4d fast essential basic guide. THERE IS NO WAY TO LEARN easy, ANY NON LINEAR SOFTWARE BECAUSE MANY HAIRSTYLE FUNCTION'S MAY HAVE APPLIED FOR DRYING ART OR VFX CREATION. In this guide I want to teach you some use full tools of cinema 4d r-16 with exercised. To focus on time and easy learning process, let’s start over work after drink, a cup of tea/coffee. First thing first, Down load and install c4d from maxon.com or DVD. During installation chose cinema 4d studio with body paint 3d. After, installations click on about menu and check for updates. Now we should start our work.
1. Introduction

To make working with this Quick start easier, instructional text and tips have been underlain with color for easy recognition. Instructional text is highlighted in blue. If you make an error in working through one of the tutorials, these colors will make it easier to locate instructional text and tips when trying to find the location at which you may have made the error.

No matter if you’re just checking CINEMA 4D out or if you already own your own copy of CINEMA 4D, you already know about the incredible things CINEMA 4D can do. We have been working very closely with our customers for several years now in order to satisfy their needs and wishes. This has lead to the creation and introduction of new functionality, according to their needs. These ideas and concepts are then creatively implemented to satisfy the needs of our customers and those of the 3D markets.

No matter if you work in the field of print, advertising, design, visualization or film, CINEMA 4D gives you all the tools you need to make your ideas reality. The intuitive interface and the ease with which CINEMA 4D can be learned makes entering the versatile world for 3D a snap. CINEMA 4D places a link between your job or hobby, and your creativity in the palm of your hand. You can create what your fantasy demands. CINEMA 4D will be your dependable partner.

2. General Information/Interface

CINEMA 4D Release 16 offers many new functions that will again speed up and improve your workflow. All new features for R-16 can be found at www.maxon.net Let’s start with the most important step - starting CINEMA 4D. After starting CINEMA 4D you will see an image similar to the following screenshot:

3. Polygon objects
Clicking on the light blue Cube icon opens the parametric object group selection window, which contains all of CINEMA 4D’s available parametric objects. It contains all of CINEMA 4D’s available predefined parametric objects.

 Click on the second icon to create a cube. Click and hold to see all available parametric objects. Before we proceed we will increase the cube‘s subdivision. At the bottom right of the Attributes Manager you will find the Segments X, Y and Z settings. Increase each value to 3.

Note: After an object has been initially created it is a parametric object. An object can only be modified as a whole and not its individual surfaces (an exception are special defamers from the Deformed menu). Before you begin modeling, the parametric object must be converted to a polygonal object. To do so, select the object you want to convert and run the Make Editable command by pressing the c-key on your keyboard. You can now move or modify individual points and surfaces.

Two icons to the right of the Cube Primitive symbol (black cage with white points and turquoise inner) are the Generator objects. The most important of these is the Subdivision Surfaces object.

If a polygon object is a sub-object of a Subdivision Surfaces object (create a Subdivision Surfaces object and drag the polygon object onto the Subdivision Surfaces object in the Object Manager) it will be virtually subdivided to a higher degree. Visually it will be comprised of many smaller polygons than before the subdivision (the object automatically looks softer/rounder). As you can see in the next screen shot:  The outer mesh (light blue) shows the polygon cube’s actual subdivision The finer inner mesh (blue) shows the subdivision of Subdivision Surfaces object. Change the cube‘s display mode by selecting (deactivating) Options/Isoclines Editing in the View port's menu and switching to Guard Shading (Lines) in the Editor’s Display menu. In the end it’s up to you how you want your objects displayed in the same menu. Then switch to the Use Polygon Mode in the left Icon Palette. However, for this tutorial, this is the most effective way to show the effect Subdivision Surfaces objects have on polygonal objects or primitives since it shows how the cube is subdivided and the final result is therefore also easier to visualize.
If the polygon object were made up of such fine subdivision modeling, it would be much more complicated. You would pull one point and only one point would be moved. All other surrounding points would retain their position. You would have to move each one individually in order to achieve the desired shape.

We will continue with navigation in CINEMA 4D. 

The first symbol (click – hold – move mouse) moves the view. The second symbol (foreshortened double arrow) lets you dolly in and out and the third (curved arrows with a dot in the center) let you rotate the scene. Selecting the little rectangle to the right will divide the entire view panel into four views, giving you multiple view ports to use. Each of the four views has its own little rectangle which, when clicked, enlarges the respective window. Create a new scene (main menu: File/New) and subsequently a new Cube in that scene. Zoom out a little and select the word Cube in the Object Manager. The cube’s axis will be visible in the editor window. Each of the axis‘arrows can be selected and dragged in its corresponding direction. This prevents the object from being dragged in the wrong direction in the editor view. It is often impossible to see in which direction an object is being dragged in a 3D view. A similar method of moving an object in a single direction is to lock a specific axis in the command palette. This prevents an object from being moved in the direction of an axis that has been locked unle s you click and drag one of the object’s own axis arrows. These objects are not locked. Select the Cube object and then click on the Scale function at top. The ends of the axis‘ arrows have changed from arrows to boxes. Dragging these boxes will scale the object along that particular axis. Parametric objects (not converted polygon objects) will display little orange handles.

Important: If you are in Edit Point Mode or Edit Polygon Mode, only the selected points or polygons will be scaled. In addition, we can no longer see the little orange handles as a result of having made the cube editable.

They make it possible to stretch and squash the parametric object on the corresponding axis. The final icon in this group activates the rotation mode. A series of rings will appear around your object - clicking and dragging one of these rings will allow you to rotate the object in the respective direction (heading, pitch or bank).

End of exercise 1. Try to make some polygons shapes with different styles. If camera zooms is view out of control, open new document. After read this tutorial you can see this guide in video tutorial for exercise.

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